People create do-do lists willing to do their best: to save time, to relax mind, to remember about the most important things and tasks. But making mistakes when creating them is a lot worse than not having a to-do list at all.
The main mistake everyone makes is the lack of thinking. Yes, there are simple lists that do not require your reflection. But there are lists that are complicated, important for you, where you can’t just write a few words and that’s it. Before creating a to-do list, you need to analyze your schedule, time limits, motives, values. It will be smart and correct only after it all is done.
Get rid of the main mistake, and then move to smaller ones. Here are mistakes that experienced essay writers think to distinguish bad to-do list from good one.
1. Too Long List
Many people create lists containing 10 and more tasks. Despite the fact that humans really do tens of tasks during the day, to-do-list doesn’t have to cause stress. It has to motivate and to clear one’s mind.
Write down not more than three important tasks for the day. These are actions which are going to be the most useful, that is why you need to pay most part of your attention to them. This will allow you to complete tasks according to their importance. This is how you start your day from doing important things. Keep this list before your eyes until you cross out all tasks.
After important tasks are completed, you can create another task-list, composed from tens of smaller tasks. You have finished all the most important and complicated things, so this list will not irritate you, but will give you additional energy.
If you start your days from doing the most important tasks during some years, you’ll reach what 99% of all people can’t reach at all.
2. Uncertainty
Many people enlist their tasks without knowing precise first and last action. What does not allow you start most of all? It is anxiety before the first step that is not known. So, determine precisely what it looks like, and get prepared for it.
For instance, you’ve written down the task as “Work with presentation”. This is the uncertain task, because it does not include precise actions that need to be done. You could state them better if to write:
- Watch five TED presentations;
- Think on three ideas for presentation;
- Write a starting presentation list.
Remember, that every task needs to include precise and understandable action. This is how you will know if it was completed.
Additionally, every task needs to correlate with tree demands:
- Measurable result;
- Can be completed in a determined time frame;
- Includes precisely known finishing point.
3. No Time Control
It is difficult to be productive, if you don’t know how much time you’ll need to complete this or that task. But how to analyze time that is needed to complete it?
Before you start doing any task, estimate approximate time you might need to complete it. This will give you a basis for what can be achieved on any day. If you make a mistake, don’t worry: at least, you’ll start to learn how to manage your time. Obviously, this habit needs some practice. When you start doing that regularly, you’ll feel easier to predict what can be done during one day.
4. Random Events Distract You
Every day is different from others. You experience different emotions, you pass through different states of mind, meet troubles and unexpected tasks. You need to plan your day, of course. But you are to be flexible at the same time.
Start each day from the procedure of checking your calendar. Look what activities were planned. Then look some days into the future. Make sure you devote one hour of everyday time for unexpected and unplanned tasks.
You’ll see that creating of this safety airbag reduces stress level.
5. Focusing on Small Results
It may seem attractive to create lists full of tasks which are not complicated for the first look. These are tasks that may seem to be important, but that don’t really have any attitude to long-term plans.
You are to set global goals and move towards them. You don’t need to look for excuses like “Big goal is big stress”. People get stressed from doing nothing as well.
6. Tasks Are Not Combined with Long-Term Goals
When the task really has an attitude to your goal, you don’t need to use your willpower to accomplish it. You are even ready to work two times more.
Before creating a to-do list, you need to know exactly why it all is needed. Even if the reason is obvious, think on it. The point is, when the task is connected to a long-term goal, you’ll feel more motivation and enthusiasm while completing it.
7. Nervousness Because of Uncompleted To-Do List
When you’ve got a limited amount of time, some tasks become urgent and other ones can be ignored. Despite that, it is important to remember, that your to-do list is not a matter of life and death. You shouldn’t suffer because of uncompleted tasks.
Once again: if to complete three the most important tasks every day during a long period of time, one day you’ll be impressed with your results.