Seven Key Mistakes of Studying

Every human learns new things constantly, even if you are not a student who has to learn actively and directly. People catch knowledge parts from the Internet, they cook various dishes, hide emotions and so on. But conscious, directed learning is much more complicated. Whatever you study – biology, math or guitar playing – there are mistakes not depending on a subject. We would like to discuss them in this article. If you can avoid them, your learning speed will increase a few times. guarantees.

Studying Mistakes

Mistake One: Remembering Things that Should be Understood

Mnemonical techniques or simple remembering really can save you sometimes. They develop memory, creative thinking and discipline. But you should distinguish things that must be remembered and those which are to be comprehended. It is important to know math formulas, but it is important to understand them and to know how they are used in real life.

Another problem is that, this method does not let you seek for connections between topics and subjects. People understand and consume knowledge better if they see connection of new knowledge to the information they already know.

Mistake Two: Lack of Practice

To visit courses does not mean to have practice. To underline text and to read notes does not mean to have practice. Practice is:

  • Trying to answer the question without tips;
  • Using a skill, not just studying it;
  • Receiving feedback about an attempt to be lucky or no;

Decide in advance, which percent of time will you devote for practice while studying a subject. For instance, you can devote 50% of time for physics, and 75% for foreign language studies.

Self-checking will be a great way to test yourself. Next time you read book that you want to understand, create a list of questions, not quotes.

Mistake Three: To Create Wrong Environment

A person studying foreign languages can place himself of herself into the environment that supports its learning: to go to another country, or to communicate only using that language.

A person who wants to start a blog can read tons of literature about the topic. But it is better to start a blog at once, and then to look for feedback. This is how a person gets into an environment to practice and gain experience in.

Watch after those who study fast and effectively. What environment did they create around themselves?

Mistake Four: To Be a Short-Term Perfectionist

Nobody wants to look silly. People hide the fact they failed to understand the topic and try to make others believe they dealt with it all. That is why it is good to demonstrate skills you mastered long ago. They expect the moment when they’ll be ready to make things, and during that time they practice what they already know.

The best motto here is: make mistakes as early as you can, make mistakes as much as you can. Make mistakes and do not be afraid to look silly. This means not to treat yourself too seriously and to calm your ego.

It is difficult to say for sure, but, probably, most people in the world want to reach something more. And only a part of them really do something about that. They worked upon their psychic already, they separated their mistakes from their personality and they study things a few times faster than other people.

Mistake Five: Not to be a Long-Term Perfectionist

Being a perfectionist about studying is good. A long-term perfectionist:

  • Does not expect a suitable moment to come, but acts here and now;
  • Constantly improves skills;
  • Feels uncomfortable if feels himself or herself standing on one place for a long time.

A short-term perfectionist will not practice foreign language for a long time and will refuse to start a dialogue with a native speaker. Long-term perfectionists will do that as soon as the opportunity appears: first they’ll make mistakes several times but they’ll bring their thoughts to the foreigner at last. And this experience will stay with them for the whole life.

Mistake Six: Studying with no Limits

Some people make strange decisions: to learn Chinese or to become a programming expert. They say they know how long that is going to take them, but they are sure that they’ll be able to stay motivated to the very end. How does it all often end? They quit learning after three weeks.

When starting to learn something really complicated, you should understand that the word “must” does not work here. Only that person can study programming during five years, who is 100% sure he or she does not want anything else.

Limits for Studying

Plus, you need to have a clear strategy. You probably experienced that: one day you study for 7 hours, next day – for 8 hours, and then you fail to study even for 20 minutes. This is the consequence of no limits.

Studying has to stay in harmony with your life, not to suppress it.

Mistake Seven: Not to Be Interested

Many people convince themselves that a subject they study is dull. That is wrong, as what matters is the mood you create on your own.

If you want to think your studying to be dull – it will be dull. If you’ll show interest about it, your speed of learning will increase significantly. The point is to put questions and hunt answers tirelessly. Curiosity kills boredom, you only need to start your enthusiasm. Make notes, use stickers and diagrams, draw mental maps, and get involved into process completely.

If you awake in the morning and feel that you don’t want to study, devote some minutes to increase your level of motivation. Think about advantages you may get from studying your subject. It is usually enough to spend five to ten minutes for the interest to appear.

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